Thursday, March 20, 2014

baby blanket

I love making baby blankets for baby showers. This one may be one of my favorites. 1 1/4 yard of flannel and cotton. Easy and sweet!

Friday, March 7, 2014

fabric shopping and peach tree blooms

Have I ever told you I love fabric like most women love shoes? I love going to the fabric store and just looking. But I am also a woman so I like shoes too! But back to the fabric. I love when I walk into the fabric store and I see fabric I like and it is sitting right next to other fabric in the same line of designer and color. Makes visioning a dress or skirt much easier than walking around for an hour doubting your choices. That is what happened when I saw these. This fabric was just sitting there asking to be a dress and skirt. So I had to get it.
I used one of my favorite patterns Simplicity 2171 easy and so many different ways to use it.
The skirt is from a pattern I got off a great website called MADE. Click HERE for the link to the skirt pattern. She has so many variations too.
This was a spontaneous photo attempt. It was very overcast. Maybe too overcast. But when the peach trees are in bloom you cannot delay. It is a short window. So I bribed the kids and got these sweet pics. I am glad they love each other. Well, most of the time.

Memphis skirts

Last summer my crew went to Memphis to visit one of my best best friends. We do not get to see each other often. So this trip was much needed. My family loved being there for a week. Do you have a friend that just gets you? That would be her. She sews. She also taught me how to smock. I love talking to her about things we want to make and things we actually make. While I was there, she took me to one of her favorite fabric stores. We bought some fun fabric to make her girls and my girls skirts. We ended up having too much fun and not enough time to sew. So, I came home with the fabric to finish what we had started. Here is one of the skirts I made.
Piper is my skirt girl. She loves skirts and dresses and all things twirly.
She is also my little shadow. While I was drawing out some ideas, she too decided to do the same.