Saturday, January 29, 2011

What's in a name?

In Genesis 29 a true story is told of two sisters married to one man. Leah was the unlovely one, unloved by her husband Jacob. While he wanted Rachel for his wife, he got Leah by surprise. Rachel was the beautiful one, loved by Jacob. Yet, God's gift came to Leah. Not for beauty, but for grace, God gave Leah children, while He kept Rachel's womb closed. But Jacob still loved Rachel. Through the birth of her fourth son, Leah learns to praise the Lord, naming her son Judah. And through this son would come the King - Jesus. Leah learned that God is pleased to show grace to the unlovely, and to give joy to the broken hearted. She learned that her beauty is in the Lord.
My hope is the same. May I always find my beauty in Jesus because He is pleased to love me...Like Leah.

1 comment:

  1. I love the name of your sewing blog and the explanation you gave for it. Carly, you are lovely, both inside and out! I am so glad we the Lord made us friends.
